SSL Certificate Tools

TrueHost's SSL Tools will save you a significant amount of time and effort. Using these simple SSL Tools, you will be able to troubleshoot, test, check, generate, verify, convert, and otherwise manage common SSL issues. If you do not have JavaScript enabled in your web browser, the tools will not work.

Select the SSL Tool you require from the list below:

The RSA algorithm is an asymmetric encryption algorithm. Data encrypted with one key can only be decrypted by the other with a given key pair. This is useful for encrypting data between a large number of parties because only one key pair is required per person. RSA is widely used with HTTPS across the internet. To generate a key pair, choose the bit length and click Generate key pair. Your browser may take a long time to generate the key pair depending on its length. A 1024-bit key is usually ready immediately, whereas a 4096-bit key may take several minutes.

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Please provide a Bit Size.

This CSR Generator tool is completely free to use. It will generate your CSR (Certificate Signing Request) and Private Key automatically based on the information you enter in the CSR form below.

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Please provide an Organisation Name.
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Please select a Country.
Looks good!
Please provide a State\Province.
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Please provide a Location\City.
Looks good!
Please provide a Department Name.
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Please provide a valid URL link.
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Please provide an Email Address.
Looks good!
Please provide a Bit Size.

Use our simple SSL Checker to rapidly identify issues with the installation of your SSL certificate. To ensure that the SSL certificate on your web server is correctly installed, legitimate, trusted, and does not present any issues to any of your users, you can verify it. Enter your server's public hostname (internal hostnames are not supported) in the box below, then click the Check SSL button to utilize the SSL Checker.

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Please provide a valid URL link.

To decode your certificate signing request and ensure that it contains the right data, use this CSR decoder. A block of encoded text known as a certificate signing request provides details about the business to which an SSL certificate will be granted as well as the SSL public key. It is challenging to determine what information is contained in a CSR once it has been created because it is encoded.

Simply paste your CSR into the box below, and our CSR Decoder will take care of the rest so you can check CSRs and see the information encoded in them. The first and last words of your CSR should be "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----" and "-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----".

Looks good!
Please provide a valid Certificate Signing Request.

Decode your PEM-encoded SSL certificate with this Certificate Decoder to ensure that it contains the correct information. A PEM encoded certificate is a text block that contains all of the certificate information as well as the public key. On a Windows machine, another simple way to view the information in a certificate is to double-click the certificate file.

Simply paste your SSL Certificate Text into the box below to use this certificate viewer, and our SSL Decoder will do the rest. The first line of your SSL Certificate should be "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and the last line should be "-----END CERTIFICATE----".

Looks good!
Please provide a valid SSL Certificate.

This Certificate Key Matcher can be used to determine whether a private key matches an SSL certificate. When dealing with a large number of certificates, it is easy to lose track of which certificate corresponds to which private key or which CSR was used to generate which certificate. The Certificate Key Matcher tool makes it simple to see if a private key or a CSR matches a certificate.

The Certificate Key Matcher simply compares a hash of the public key to the certificate's private key. You can use the OpenSSL commands below to see if a certificate matches a private key on your own computer:

openssl pkey -in privateKey.key -pubout -outform pem | sha256sum
openssl x509 -in certificate.crt -pubkey -noout -outform pem | sha256sum

Your RSA key should begin with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" and end with "-----END RSA RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" and your SSL certificate should begin with "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" and end with "-----END CERTIFICATE-----".

Looks good!
Please provide a valid SSL Certificate.
Looks good!
Please provide a valid RSA Private Key.

⚠️ Your private key is intended to remain on the server. While we try to make this process as secure as possible by using SSL to encrypt the key when it is sent to the server, for complete security, we recommend that you manually check the public key hash of the private key on your server using the OpenSSL commands above.